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While our experts review your questions, here are some actions you can take now.

Dive Into The Issues

Every day, children’s human and civil rights are violated. We’re fighting back. Advocates like you are making noise and helping put pressure on government systems to prioritize children’s health and well-being. In the courts and through our advocacy, we are building a movement to end our nation’s indifference to children’s human and civil rights.

The first step to righting this wrong is fully understanding the injustice and harm done to kids, and recognizing the role we each can play in making change happen. Learn more through our 3 myth-busting blogs.

3 Myths That Will Shock and Surprise You

Advocate for Kids

Raise your voice and advocate for children across the United States. Sign a petition and reach out to your policymakers to help ensure a fair future for all children.

Take Action

Donate Now

Take the next step to help advance the rights of generations of children to come by making a donation today.

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Sign that reads; Children's Rights are Human Rights