Our Impact

Kids using a bullhorn to raise their voices with a map showing the 20+ states Children's Rights has taken legal action in

Children’s Rights holds government systems accountable for protecting kids and keeping families together.

We don’t protect children one child at a time. Our job is to protect thousands of children over time and over generations by exposing the dysfunction and deep roots of racism inside child welfare systems.

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Key Facts

What About the Kids?

In the courts and through our advocacy, Children’s Rights is building a movement to end our nation’s indifference to children’s human and civil rights.

Children’s Rights has a proven model of using litigation to get to the very root of injustice and create transformative social change. Children’s Rights fights for systemic change. And wins.

-Ryan Barker, Missouri Foundation for Health

Children’s Rights is relentlessly and unapologetically bringing pressure to systems that have for far too long been complacent. They are bringing power back to the people who have felt powerless.

Bobbi Taylor, Lived ExperienceEngagement Consultant

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