The Spirit of Giving Carries on for a New Jersey Family

winners_gloucester_times_psMore than a decade ago, Denise and Tim Winner of Deptford, NJ,gave a gift of incalculable value, something that would give back day after day, as long as they lived. In return, they took on massive responsibility and bewildering uncertainty, and embraced those conditions with little pause.

The gift? For two abused and neglected girls, a loving, permanent family. Deanna and Alyssa, now 16 and 13, became the first two of the Winners’ six daughters, all of them adopted through foster care.

At the time of their adoption, Children’s Rights was fighting for reform on Deanna and Alyssa’s behalf, who were serving as representatives of all the children in New Jersey foster care, in our campaign to reform the state’s dysfunctional child welfare system. The case brought sweeping change that has made today’s foster care system unrecognizable compared to what it was in 1999.

The Winners have seen some of that evolution as they continued to adopt four more daughters: Marissa (12), Hannah (10), Sophia, and Olivia (both eight years old).

The parents have passed along their sense of responsibility and joy in giving to others in need. Just weeks ago, all six girls donated an enormous amount of hair — 68 inches total, averaging over 11 inches per sister — to Locks of Love, which provides hair pieces to kids who suffer from medical conditions that cause them to lose their natural hair.

The kicker? This is the girls’ third philanthropic clipping. To date, the Winner girls have donated more than 180 inches of hair to disadvantaged children. Read more about their selflessness in a recent article from the Gloucester County Times.

The Winner girls and their parents have always embraced the essence of standing up to say I AM ONE, whether it’s helping sick children feel better or opening up a safe, stable home to kids who desperately need it.

Join them today. Learn more below on how you can BE ONE TOO.
