Family Separation Toolkit: What You Can Do

Photo by John Moore/Getty Images

Reunite Children With Their Families! #ReuniteTheFamiliesNow

We can’t stop now. Reunite children with their families! Despite Trump’s executive order, there is no discernible plan to reunite the 2300 children already separated from their families. The order still criminalizes asylum seekers, and families may be held together in detention centers indefinitely. Here’s how you can demand that the Trump Administration return these children to their families immediately:

  1. Contact Your Senators and Member of Congress.

You can reach your Senators or Representative at the Capitol Switchboard. Call (202) 224-3121 and leave the following message:

Keeping children away from their parents is heinous, cruel, and morally and ethically abhorrent. These are not the American values I believe in. I am calling on you to demand publicly and repeatedly that Trump return all of these children to their parents immediately.

You can also call and email your Senators here and your Representative here to leave the same message and send an email. Check out Indivisible’s guide for additional info on how to contact government officials.

  1. Show up to a protest. Demand that children be reunited with their families by marching in the streets. Type in your zip code and find an upcoming protest near you here. Join the next day of action on June 30th here.
  2. Support Children’s Rights. Children’s Rights is working with its partners to develop impact litigation strategies to reunite these kids and families. We partnered with the ACLU in Ms. L v. Ice, the case that brought the family separation issue to the fore. Learn more about our work here. Support our strategic advocacy and legal action here.
  3. Sign the petition. Children’s Rights has gathered more than 95,000 signatures demanding that children and families remain together. Add your name to our petition today and share it in your social networks.
  4. Speak out: Loudly declare that children must be reunited with their families immediately. Post on social media and write a letter to the editor demanding that news outlets continue to cover this issue. Download these graphics and share on social media:

    Family Separation Toolkit: Here’s what you can do today to help reunite children and their families #ReuniteTheFamiliesNow @ChildrensRights