Children’s Rights filed an amicus brief in Fulton v. City of Philadelphia, a case to be argued in front of the US Supreme Court this fall. The case centers on Catholic Social Services (CSS), a child welfare agency that has sued the City of Philadelphia to receive taxpayer dollars for its child welfare services, despite the agency’s refusal to comply with the City’s nondiscrimination requirement. The friend of the court brief argues on behalf of the nation’s children who will be profoundly and irreparably harmed if the Court adopts the position that CSS and other taxpayer-funded foster care agencies have a constitutional right to refuse prospective families based solely on religious beliefs.
The brief was joined by 32 child advocate organizations from across the country and a number of members of the Interfaith Coalition for Children’s Rights which seeks to oppose legislation and policy changes that would enshrine a “license to discriminate” into law. Greenberg Traurig LLP served as pro bono counsel for the amici in the filing.
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