2021 Impact Report

Children Need Us Now, More Than Ever

We don’t protect children one child at a time. Our job is to protect thousands of children over time and over generations — by exposing and eliminating the deep roots of dysfunction and racism inside the very government systems responsible for taking care of children.

Children’s Rights is committed to fighting for children harmed by America’s child welfare, juvenile legal, education, and healthcare systems in the courtroom and outside of it. We are winning 90% of the lawsuits we file to advance the rights of children in state foster care. We are winning hearts and minds through advocacy campaigns that educate and engage people about how they can help make things better for kids when systems fail them. And we use our deep knowledge about those systems to turn that engagement into laws and policies that codify and make permanent rules and practices we know lead to the fair and equitable treatment of all children in government care.

Our Impact

2021 Highlights

2021 has been a landmark year for Children’s Rights. It has shown why NOW more than ever children in government systems need us by their side as they face trauma and discrimination instead of receiving care and love: 

We filed a lawsuit in Alabama because the state discriminates against foster children and youth with mental impairments by unnecessarily segregating them in restrictive, psychiatric residential treatment facilities and by denying them the chance to grow up in homes.

The lawsuit seeks a court order requiring the State to immediately change its policies and practices to ensure that no child is unnecessarily placed in these draconian facilities.

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We’ve affected broad systemic changes, positively impacting the lives of 1.6 million children — putting protections in place for generations to come. With your support, we can help millions more.

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